Help Reduce Homelessness

by New Start in Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Help Reduce Homelessness
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

To raise funds to secure accommodation I can rent affordable to people suffering with homelessness or threatened homelessness.

by New Start in Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom

Our new business is hoping to secure funds to be able to rent properties to individuals or families currently experiencing the threat of homelessness or are currently homeless. 

I was homeless when I was 16 and understand the difficulties this situation can cause and how hard it can be to escape the streets once sleeping rough. 

We believe having a safe place to live should be a right all people have. I want to help ensure as many people as possible can be helped with this by renting affordable homes across the whole country. 

We are a business and not a charity however can provide assurance that profits will be used to secure more properties to help more people. 

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