Help us bring "Sticker Movie" to London

by Apparan in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Help us bring "Sticker Movie" to London
We did it
On 24th June 2024 we successfully raised £427 with 19 supporters in 85 days

To bring "Sticker Movie" to London for its U.K. premier to Cessam World Gallery

by Apparan in London, Greater London, United Kingdom

Do you ever notice stickers on the streets when you are out and about and wonder who put them there and, more importantly... why?

Stickers are everywhere. They are a worldwide phenomenon and the diverse bunch of people who create them make up a whole underground global network of individual artists.

"Sticker Movie" is a unique glimpse inside this world produced with passion and the united energy of the sticker community.

First Portland. Then NYC...Now "The Sticker Movie" is coming to London for its UK Premiere!!

Sticker Movie is a celebration of sticker culture worldwide made for sticker people and by sticker people. It is a colourful patchwork of stories told by the sticker enthusiasts who shape this culture, guard it, and share it with the world.

"Sticker Movie does more than illuminate a vibrant subculture with an eclectic but generous spirit, it also explores the therapeutic value of creative empowerment. The D.I.Y. (Do-It-Yourself) movement may have started with punk, but its ethos and heartbeat are now embodied most powerfully and idealistically in sticker culture.” - Shepard Fairey  

Visually stimulating, with a combination of animation, user-generated content, and 4k footage, "Sticker Movie" celebrates the nostalgia, thoughtfulness, and intensity of sticker art and the sticker enthusiasts who will never let the culture die.

How can you help?

We are releasing here the first London premiere tickets deals to raise funds to bring the "Sticker Movie" joining forces with the "London International Paste-up Festival" for what is sure to be an exciting, fun filled, creative weekend of street art, music, connection and community culture.

                                                   Don't miss out!



Cessam.World Gallery. (click to shop map)

163 Morning Ln, Hackney. London E9 6LH 


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£10 or more

3 of 10 claimed

"The Sticker Movie" Screening ticket only Fri 13/9

Advance ticket only for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Friday 13th of September 2024 in Cessan.World including: -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -"Paste-up London Zine" -Art exhibition all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£10 or more

0 of 10 claimed

"The Sticker Movie" Screening ticket only Sat 14/9

Ticket only for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Saturday 14th of September 2024 in Cessam.World including: -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Art exhibition all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£15 or more

2 of 20 claimed

"The Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Sun 15/9/24

A day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Sunday 15th of September 2024 in Cessam.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 12.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 13.30+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -Art exhibition all day.

£15 or more

"The Sticker Movie"zine and goodies pack--UK Only

-"Sticker Movie London" zine+sticker pack+signed film poster and much more. Free postage UK

£20 or more

5 of 20 claimed

"The Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Sat 14/9/24

A day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Saturday 14th of September 2024 in Cessan.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -"Paste-up London Zine" -Art exhibition all day. -Live paste-up all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£20 or more

1 of 20 claimed

"The Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Fri 13/9/24

A day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Friday 13th of September 2024 in Cessam.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -"Paste-up London Zine" -Art exhibition all day. -Live paste-up all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£20 or more

0 of 20 claimed

"Sticker Movie Lon"zine&goodies pack-international

"Sticker Movie London" zine+sticker pack+signed film poster and much more. Free insternational postage

£25 or more

2 of 10 claimed

VIP"The Sticker Movie"Screening Day Pass Sat14/9

A day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Saturday 14th of September 2024 in Cessan.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. (reserved sits) -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -Art exhibition all day. -Live paste-up all day. -2 Drinks. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£25 or more

3 of 10 claimed

VIP"The Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Fri 13/9

A VIP day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Friday day 13th of September 2024 in Cessan.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -Art exhibition all day. -2 drinks. -Live paste-up all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£30 or more

0 of 10 claimed

2x"The Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Sat 14/9

A day pass for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Saturday 14th of September 2024 in Cessam.World for two people including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -Art exhibition all day. -Live paste-up all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

£30 or more

2"xThe Sticker Movie" Screening Day Pass Fri 13/9

Two day passes for "The Sticker Movie" screening on Friday 13th of September 2024 in Cessan.World including the following rewards: -Stickers drop in workshop 18.00 -"The Sticker Movie" screening at 19.00+Q&A with film makers. -Goodies bag including: Stickers pack+art freebies. -Art exhibition all day. -Live paste-up all day. -Music, Visuals and performances party from 20.00 until 22.00.

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Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.