Help us save foxes!

by Liverpool Hunt Sabs in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

Help us save foxes!

Total raised £124

£1,000 target 79 days left
12% 6 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 28th April 2025 at 5:24pm

We urgently need equipment to record the evidence of illegal hunting and to monitor and find the hunts.

by Liverpool Hunt Sabs in Liverpool, Merseyside, United Kingdom

We need more recording equipment to gather evidence!

The hunts we are sabbing are increasingly blatantly hunting right in front of us, fortunately so far this season we've not witnessed any kills as we've been able to pull the hounds off in time... However with the hunts so desperate to get a kill we might not always be able to get there in time and we need to have it on camera when this happens. A couple of weeks ago when the hunt was clearly drawing hounds through a wood; not following a trail; and we had witnessed a fox escaping from the hounds, right under the police's noses, we advised the police what was happening right in front of them and were explicitly told, by the police, that they couldn't do anything unless we have video evidence! We currently don't have enough equipment for every group member so to increase our chances of getting the required evidence we desperately need another camcorder. We also need more bodycams both to increase our chances of gathering the necessary evidence for conviction and also to protect our sabs from the escalating violence we've been on the receiving end of from hunt supporters this season. Finally we also need our own drone, we've been able to borrow one from other groups sometimes, and this vital piece of kits helps us keep on top of the hunt when we can't keep up with them; they escape from us or enter somewhere inaccessible; and helps us gather evidence of them hunting. Please donate to our Crowdfunder to help us get the kit we need to be as effective as we can when out in the field. We know we can rely on our loyal supporters - thank you!!


Camcorder £200

Got pro x 2 = £300

Drone £450

SD cards £50

Total £1000

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