Help us heal the world on our epic mission

by Kacie & Kady in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Help us heal the world on our epic mission
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

We have been guided by our spirit guides to visit certain locations to raise the earths vibration and help stuck souls to pass over.

by Kacie & Kady in Bristol, England, United Kingdom

We have received divine messages from our guides about our lifes mission to travel around the world visiting locations instructed by them to help clear the land for souls that have not passed over, raise the earths vibration and help to heal mother Gaia. Our trip will begin in the summer of 2025. To a lot of people this will sound crazy, dont we know it! We are totally aware!! But, when you receive messages like we have we just can’t ignore it and need to do what we have been asked. My guide showed me the route we must take and that where possible we must travel by land as there are people and places we will cross paths with that will help us on our spiritual mission. We are not doing this for personal gain, we are doing it for humanity and for the souls that need our help. Below I will list the main destinations she has shown us. It all began with a message in the sky. One sunny afternoon we were relaxing in mother nature and the most incredible thing happened! It was literally like someone had an etchasketch on the clouds and what I can only describe as a movie scene played out before us. We saw a combination of people walking up to the light, almost like a pilgrimage up to heaven followed by scenes of the locations. We saw war but it was war from old times. There were also images of ships and whales. It was rather confusing but kind of obvious too. So we did a BQH session where we had a list of questions to ask. If you haven’t heard of BQH please google it for more information. During the session I met a guide of mine called Mary. I asked her if the message we saw in the clouds was real and she told me she was the one that gave us the message. She told me that earths vibration is getting lower and lower from the darkness in our world and that we need to help raise it. All the death, war and corruption is making mother Gaia sad and souls are suffering for it. She showed me us with our hands on the earth healing her and passing souls over. There was an emphasis on the route we take and that the journey must be in a continuous loop around the earth. Our first trip we are to do alone and once one cycle is complete that we are to then do a new loop but with other healers on the journey with us.
for now we are focusing on our first trip and we just need some help to get us around the world. We will be documenting the entire journey so we can be accountable and will share it with you all. Shortly we will set up a social media page so you can track our progress on this mission.
If you can donate, no matter how small, it will go towards this great journey we are planning. This is our lifes mission and we cannot wait to help.
please help us and also pray for us. We will need positive energy to fuel this mission.

Our mission will start and end at Glastonbury Tor. Our main hitlist of destinations includes Turkey, Cairo, the Himalayas, Tibet, China, The Americas inc Mexico, Peru and Brazil - Christ the Redeemer. Why these locations we are unsure right now, we are just at the beginning but I trust in time and through meeting people it will become clearer.

These locations have been given to us as check points I guess is the only way I can describe it. The journey between these destinations will be the most part of our mission. We have so much research to do to find out throughout history what has happened at these main locations and we hope in meeting the locals on our journey and sharing our story that we will learn even more by what has been passed down in generations. Again, as mad as we sound for us this is not it, this is our lifes purpose and we hope you will support us along the way.

Thank you for reading!

Kacie & Kady

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