Help Solihull Green Party grow

by [email protected] in Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom

Help Solihull Green Party grow
We did it
On 3rd July 2024 we successfully raised £5,269 with 62 supporters in 35 days

Help us to stand candidates and grow the party in Solihull

by [email protected] in Solihull, West Midlands, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Run bigger and bolder campaigns now and in the future for more green representation in Solihull. 

The countdown to the General Election is on! 

Councillor Shesh Sheshabhatter has been announced as the Green Party candidate for Meriden and Solihull East – Shesh has been elected twice as a councillor for Chelmsley Wood and is Deputy Leader of Solihull Green Group on Solihull Council.

While so many other political parties rely on wealthy corporate donors and people hiding their money in tax havens, the Green Party is different. We’re a truly grassroots, people powered political party - one that’s funded by thousands of people chipping in donations of £15, £25 and £50, that together add up to fund our work. 

Obviously a General Election makes a big dent in our election fighting fund and we need to raise money to let us run our most effective campaign ever. We need to raise £5,000 to build up our election funds so that we can give people a chance to vote for the Green Party on 4th July, and support the efforts of our Councillors locally.

On Solihull Council, our ten hard-working Greens, including Shesh, are showing the difference having Greens in the room makes. They’ve worked tirelessly, pushing the Conservative Council to deliver the urgent change that’s needed. Solihull’s Green councillors have: 

  • Convinced the Tory-led administration to call a Climate Emergency in Solihull, with a target to be net-neutral by 2030
  • Campaigned against and defeated unfair housing plans that would have seen thousands of new homes crammed into the green belt between Shirley and Dickens Heath
  • Meant that Solihull Council has resettled Syrian refugee families, one of the few local councils to do so
  • Ensured that the council tax charges paid by the disabled, ill and vulnerable in Solihull who can least afford to pay are the lowest in the area
  • Pushed the Council to find different and innovative ways to provide housing and protect the environment.

Greens are making a difference already, but it’s clear that Meriden & Solihull East crying out for more Green leadership. The NHS is on its knees. Energy companies are making huge profits as those on low incomes struggle to heat their homes. Truly affordable homes remain a fantasy for so many of our residents. Those in power are turning a blind eye towards Israel/Gaza. And in the meantime, the Climate Crisis is worsening by the day.

By donating £15, £25 or more today you can really help make this the most professional and vibrant campaign we’ve ever delivered:

If 134 people gave just £15 we'd hit our target.

If just 80 people gave £25 we'd hit our target. That's roughly the cost of a meal out.

If just 40 people gave £50 we'd hit our target.

With your support we can send a message . Thank you.



This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£50 or more

£50 Reward

This pays 10% of a Green candidate's deposit

£100 or more

£100 Reward

This pays 20% of our deposit - thank you!

£500 or more

£500 Reward

Fund a whole deposit - massively helpful!

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Over £200 million has been raised from our crowd to support the projects they love! Plus tens of millions more unlocked by our partners.