Hi, my name is Sal and I have always wanted to start a business. As of a few months ago, my wife and I have become heavily invested in this idea, and have been working towards this, saving as much money as we can, in any way possible. This has included taking on a second job, changing my weekly shopping agenda, and stopping the already rare coffees and take-outs, to really stack as many pounds up as possible for this exciting venture.
As of recent, we have started creating tasting menus and providing them to friends and family to obtain views and opinions and are super happy with how all of this turned out. Unfortunately however, our dream of taking our first step towards independence was cut short by the mortgage rate hikes, which have depleted our savings and investment fund that we had set up for this venture.
As a result of this, it is not financially viable for us to start our business, despite working two jobs, which take up the majority of every day.
I hope that reading this allows you to assist us with our journey to becoming business owners, and hopefully in a better place.
Thank you.