Help Pompey Greens Attend UK Pride 2025

by Portsmouth Green Party in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Help Pompey Greens Attend UK Pride 2025

Total raised £100

£320 target 69 days left
31% 3 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 20th April 2025 at 9:35pm

We’re raising money to host a double stall at Portsmouth Pride where we’ll have free pre-loved clothing for the local queer community!

by Portsmouth Green Party in Portsmouth, United Kingdom

For the last two years, Portsmouth Green Party has hosted a stall at Portsmouth Pride where we’ve given away hundreds of items of clothing and accessories to our trans, nonbinary, and genderqueer neighbours.

We do this because Pride means the ability to express your true self, but this can be difficult for many queer people when statistically they have less financial stability than their straight, cisgender peers. After all, how can you afford an outfit that matches your gender identity, when you have to scrape together rent because your family threw you out?

This year, UK Pride will be held in Portsmouth so we want our clothing stall to be bigger and better to help queer people from all over the country who are visiting our city. We want to show them that we have their backs, especially when the government does not. That we will fight with them for their rights to live as themselves. That we care.

Today, we are asking for your help so that we can run a double stall at Portsmouth Pride, order pronoun pins (including she/her, he/him, and they/them) that we give away, hire the badge maker from Share Portsmouth to allow people to make custom pronoun pins and hire the gazebo too.

Anything that you can give will be appreciated, but if you’re not in a financial position to donate, sharing this crowdfunder with your friends and family will still help more than you know.

We are also beginning to accept donations of clothing and accessories for our Pride stall, so if you have some items that could be loved again, please contact us via our social media accounts to get your local drop off location*. Or if you have a couple of hours to spare on the day, we’d love some volunteers to staff the stall, with duties including hanging up donations, bagging up clothes, and explaining the purpose of the stall to other attendees.

Please help us show UK Pride what Portsmouth is all about; compassion, generosity, and love.

*For people with disabilities who would face difficulty dropping items off, we will try to arrange a collection.

Costs We Are Crowdfunding For:

  • Double Pitch (1/2 cost matched by Pompey Greens): £115
  • Large Gazebo (Rented): £25
  • Pre-Made Pronoun Badges: £100
  • Components for "Make Your Own" Badges: £80

Total: £320

We aim to be transparent with these costs, if you have any questions or concerns please do get in touch.

* We Are Looking To Crowdfund For The Stated Amount Only. Any Funds Above The Stated Amount Are Very Much Appreciated And May Be Used For Our Usual Political Activities Such As Printing Leaflets Or Meeting Room Hire. *

If you pledge £500 or over, you must be on the electoral register - this is a requirement of donating to a political party, so register here if you're not. You must also be willing to provide us with your contact details and address. This is required by the Electoral Commission.

By making a donation you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for or on behalf of any other person. All donations received are subject to the regulations of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

Published and promoted by Elliott Lee, on behalf of Portsmouth Green Party 39-41 Surrey Street, Brighton BN1 3PB. W. Hosted by Crowdfunder.

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