Help NHS and other Key workers

by Balti Curries in Falmouth, England, United Kingdom

Total raised £60

raised so far



"PLEASE SHARE SO KNOW WHO NEEDED" Attention all key workers and friends were old and new for your continued service Dhannebadh to you.

by Balti Curries in Falmouth, England, United Kingdom


We are balti curries in falmouth, always raise funds when it is needed like pandemic time.During this Covid-19 Lock-down time , we are raising fund and planning to utilise that funds for NHS and Key workers.

In the past aswell, we raised 20,000 GBP for Nepal earth quake and the funds used to build the houses in Nepal. During earthquake in Nepal we also raised 10,000GBP and that fund is used to built School Roof in Nepal.Also we did oxpam, Diabetes UK, Shelterbox Local, Lions Club and Children Hospice etc more locally.

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