Help me start my jewellery business

by Julia in Redditch, Worcestershire, Spojené kráľovstvo

Help me start my jewellery business
We did it
On 2nd October 2024 we successfully raised £5 with 1 supporters in 84 days

Create a successful eshop with my jewellery

by Julia in Redditch, Worcestershire, Spojené kráľovstvo

Many years I'm dreaming about be my own boss. I have tried sell my jewellery on social medias, etsy but I only know how to make jewellery I don't know how to sell it. That's why I decided go this way. To raise money for me to create a successful business. I need pay to someone to make me proper website, pay a marketing promoter and buy material. I would be happy for every £. I know we live in hard times and everybody has own problems so if you can not donate its ok and if you can but don't want to its still ok. Thank you

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