I am a 55 year old festival response security officer who has seen my fair share of incidents over the years, resulting in damaged and broken teeth. I have recently been diagnosed with Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) which is an extremely rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. I am currently recieving Chemotherepy and I am at extreme risk of infection and sepsis due to the treatment regime.I suffer extreme pain when trying to eat and have recurring infections need antibiotic treatment.
The extreme damage done to my teeth puts me at a seriously hightened risk of infection and also risks my chemotherepy treatment being stopped due to those risks. The NHS have today said they will remove all the teeth but will offer no aftercare, dentures or implants so unfortunately my only option left is to try and raise funds to get the work done and try and live a normal life again