Help make me normal

by Charlie10 in Hull, England, United Kingdom

Help make me normal
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

To raise funds to pay for an operation

by Charlie10 in Hull, England, United Kingdom

Hi. I am an adult survivor of child sexual abuse. My mum died when I was 8 years old, and I was put into the care of someone who sexually abused me for four years. I have suffered with anxiety and depression nearly all my life. As a child I used my body as a vessel to carry the hurt and guilt I felt. I still do this mentally now. I've had counselling on and off since I was 13 without any success of feeling any different about the hatred I have of My body. I have lost six stone in weight  with the hope that this would help me accept myself better. This hasn't as I I have been left with lots of saggy skin on my body, in particular my belly. I cannot afford to have the operation to take the skin away as I am unemployed and don't have any money.  I tried to take my own life 18 months ago because the loose skin makes me feel so bad, but the police found me and took me to hospital. I have seeked help

from my doctor and the n h s, but they said that they can't help me. I am hoping that there are people out there that can help me so I can then find the operation and help me feel normal. Thank you.

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