Future-proof Linlithgow Pottery’s classes

by Hephzibah Kilbride in Linlithgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Total raised £1,075

raised so far



I am asking for support to future-proof the studio so I can continue to offer classes safely as we navigate our way through this pandemic.

by Hephzibah Kilbride in Linlithgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 8th October 2020 we'd raised £1,050 with 28 supporters in 42 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

From Maine to Linlithgow


Hello, my name is Hephzibah Kilbride. I’m originally from Portland, Maine on the east coast of USA where I earned a BFA in Ceramics from MECA. When my husband and I were married we decided to build our life together in Linlithgow so we could be close to his family. After a few years of working full time and creating when I had spare time I decided to open my studio up to some classes. This made it possible for me to share my skills and my passion while making a small income, allowing me to be in my studio full time.

The COVID-19 shut down

As a privately owned and run artist’s studio the COVID-19 pandemic has Shut down my classes and reduced my income to zero. I was able to secure one of the small business grants offered by the Scottish government at the start of the lockdown and this has helped my family and my studio survive but as the funds run out I am still unable to open the studio up to new classes safely. The support we raise will help purchase the tools, equipment and electrical work needed to set the studio up so I can resume classes with confidence.

Growing a community 


Since I made the decision to open my studio up to classes I have enjoyed growing a great ceramics community where people of all skill sets can learn in a non competitive, social environment. I offer taster classes where people can have a go on the potter’s wheel for a bucket list moment, special date, family fun or just to see if investing in a six week class really is for them. Many of my students have gone on to invest in their own equipment and so our community grows even larger as we share our love of clay!

A chance to enjoy a new skill

All of my students get the chance to try out a new creative outlet.  Whether they come in for a one off taster class or jump into a longer session to grow their abilities,  my students not only learn from their clay experience but also end up with their very own creations to enjoy for years to come!  


What your pledges will buy us

With COVID-19 hanging about we will need to change many of our usual studio practices. One of the most difficult changes will be how we deal with our scraps of clay and each students slop buckets at the end of each class.  In the past we shared our tools and the buckets of water we used when throwing and only recycled them when the water became more slip than liquid.  With this virus roaming around we’ll need to clean out our slop buckets at the end of each class and disinfect them along with our tools.
This is where the brunt of the money we raise will help. £4,147.00 will purchase a small de-airing pug mill with another £800.00 paying for the electrical work needed to wire it in and space out the wheels for social distancing.  The studio needs a pug mill so we can continuously recycle and reclaim our scraps and slop safely back into viable clay. I can’t end up with massive buckets of slop piling up undermining the safety of myself and my students. The pug mill will be the most important purchase


Tools are no longer for sharing

Linlithgow Pottery is a small studio with small classes.  I’ve never had to worry about the number of tools available as we all shared. As sharing isn’t an option any longer the studio needs to invest in more tools making it possible for each student to use a properly disinfected set of tools as well as new sets of throwing and cleaning buckets. Just over £1,400.00 will make it possible to purchase turning tools with plastic handles as well as all of the other hand tools, throwing bats and sponges needed to make sure students are kept safe.

Rewards - Something for your generosity 

Please know that as much as I’m hoping for help to make the studio safe to continue I want to offer some things in return. Have a look at Some of the rewards I’m offering in return for your generosity. Thank you for taking the time to learn about my crowdfunder campaign. I know these times are uncertain. If you believe in my campaign but find yourself short of funds please know that sharing helps just as much as giving. Once again, thank you for your time.

£20 reward - set of four hand printed cards (2 of the 4 shown)

£25 reward - one of my “Calm Seas” mugs! 


£40 reward - one Meditation Rattle - designs vary


£50 reward - one of four hand printed and signed Lino-cuts to choose from


£80 reward - one of my gin tumblers (tumbler pictured before & after being glazed) and a hand printed “Starling in Red” Lino-cut


£85 reward - A voucher for a taster class for two.

£90 reward - a set of my thrown wine cups


£100 reward - one of four hand printed mixed medium mono-types


£200 reward - one of two encaustic mono-types to choose from


£300 reward - A group Christmas experience


£400 reward - A group meditation rattle experience.



Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£85 or more

Have a go!

Grab a friend and come into the studio for a two hour taster session! I’ll guide you through throwing on the potter’s wheel and you’ll end up with glazed creations to enjoy for years to come!

£10 or more

Just for the love of it!

Spare us a tenner, give yourself that warm fuzzy feeling and get a big thank you on our social media pages from myself and Nuala - the four legged studio manager.

£20 or more

Share the Love!

Pledge £20 today and I will hand print a set of four Lino-cut greeting cards. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£25 or more

Get lost in a “Calm Seas” mug!

For your £25 pledge I will make you one of my Calm Seas mugs.

£40 or more

A meditative moment of thanks

To thank you for your £ pledge I will choose and send you one of my hand formed and carved Meditation Rattles with a stand. These are a joy to make and use. The textures and soft sound can add focus to your meditation practice making it easier to relax and let your mind be still. When not using your rattle It can sit safely atop its stand adding a visual delight to the room. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£50 or more

Ready to frame

Pledge £50 today and You will receive one of my hand printed and signed 7”X5” Lino-cuts to frame and enjoy. Four to choose from. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£80 or more

Sit back, sip away and enjoy a bit of art.

For your £80 donation you will receive one of my stoneware gin tumblers as well as one of my hand printed and signed 7x5” Lino-cuts “starling in Red” *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£90 or more

Wine away the hours

For your £90 donation I will make you four wine cups. Perfect for keeping red wine at room temperature as well as keeping your white wine cold longer. Wine tastes better when you drink out of hand made creations. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£100 or more

A bit of whimsy for thanks

For your £100 donation I would like to thank you with something I hope will bring smiles to your home! I have four mixed medium prints to choose from. These are mono-types with dry-points printed on top. Each one is one of a kind and signed. 7x5”. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£200 or more

For the love of art

For your £200 pledge I have two encaustic mono-types for you to choose from. These prints are made by layering my hand made encaustic medium onto acid free printmaking paper. If only you could smell the studio when I’m creating these prints! The sweet scent of beeswax fills the air. It’s intoxicating and one of my favourite ways to work. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£300 or more

A Christmas Experience

Perfect for any local businesses looking for alternative staff events! For your 300 pledge I will Come to you and offer a Christmas bauble painting experience for a group of up to twenty. Each participant will get two baubles to decorate. I will then cover them in a clear glossy glaze and fire them to make the colours pop. Once through the kiln I’ll return them to you to hand out. *please look at the project page to see images of rewards

£400 or more

Meditation Experience for a group of twenty

This is the perfect reward for any local yogis/meditation leaders who want to show support for my studio. For your £400 pledge You will be able to offer a great experience to your students. I will come to your studio and run a Meditation Rattle workshop for up to twenty people. The workshop can be part of a special session you would offer at a time and date of your choosing. I will glaze and fire the rattles and return them for you to hand out

Show your support

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