I am an empath and have recently got CONNED by my previous landlord. Last year, I was in emergency/social housing and a male resident Verbally Assaulted me. I was threatened, physically violated, and was told- with his face right against mine- that I would have 'my face smashed against a window.' (I used a housemate's pot once.)
I was forced into depression and very bad low mental health because of this incident. I failed to fulfil normal duties, like securing my monthly HB payment. I lost well over 2grand from the incident (due to devolving into a dark place 🙏🏼). My landlord failed to sort the situation out, and- upon finally refinding some peace, this year- got THREATENED AND INTIMIDATED into moving some of my last savings. Appleby Estate (my former estate gents) harassed me, scaring me into paying for one month's missed rent, which I chose not to pay due to the illegal and immoral nature of the "shelter" I was in.
Grace is an empath, genuine spirit, and very good natured and moral hearted. I only paid because he threatened me with legal action! I am currently alone in the world with no partner or protectors, and am now 'technically' homeless. (I will very soon be homeless. 🙏🏼) I am kindly asking for 2K to restart my life over in the UK, which is enough for a deposit and initial month's rent somewhere. Somewhere safe. Somewhere where I can continue to be unconditional love.
Thank you for reading. 💚