Hello, I am a mother of a handsome 4 year old non verbal little boy with Autism. When Arthur was born he seemed to meet all his milestones which for us as parents was a relief but then at 9 month's old he became really unwell developing sepsis and ecoli. Arthur was really unwell to the point we nearly lost him but thankfully that wasn't the case thanks to our local hospital and also Great Ormond street hospital. Once Arthur got sepsis we noticed he stopped meeting his milestones, and stopped saying words, he never walked till near enough 2 years of age and now communicates in other ways. For us as parents it's difficult sometimes to figure out what he wants and is also very frustrating for Arthur. He was at nursery from 18 months old which did help him alot as he was a covid baby so being around other children helped him alot. As time went on we noticed he had limited eye contact and said no words at all. The nursery were fantastic in helping secure an EHCP ( educational health care plan) as Arthur was now due to be moving on to school which had to be mainstream as at this point he had no diagnosis. Thankfully by the time he started reception he had a diagnosis of Autism and his school now have a fantastic network of SEN TA's an ARP and they have also made their own sensory room for reception children with additional needs as their ARP has limited spaces. One of the amazing equipments they have is a mobii sensory floor projector which they have in their ARP to help the children with sensory processing, education and communication. This machine cost the school over £4000 and can only be used in theory ARP, which means the younger children with additional needs can't use it. This is because it's in constant use to help calm, regulate and teach the the children in the ARP.
My aim is to raise enough money to be able to get another one for the reception children that have additional needs and a diagnosis but are not fortunate enough to be able to have a space in Queenswells ARP due to lack of government funding. Queenswell have already spent thousands making their own sensory room for the younger children to be able to have somewhere quite to go to when overwhelmed and sensory processing. They have funded this all themselves as they are a school that are fully invested in helping children with additional needs and because of their reputation they are now getting more and more parents that want their children at Queenswell. The Local Authority have a limited amount of funding they can give which means our mainstream children with additional needs are missing out which isn't fair at all. They have the same amount of needs as the children in the ARP ( additional resource provision) and they school have done so much for them to have as much as they children in the ARP which no other school has or would. So please share and donate to give the mainstream children with additional needs of Queenswell the same. This piece of equipment will help them learn, be calming, with their sensory needs and the provision they also need.
So please donate what you can, every little helps.
Thank you