Tick Bite Nightmare
Last Summer
Esme, at 7 years old, had a tick bite found on her ear with a tick attached. It was dead but Mum took her to local A & E and the remnants were removed by medical staff. Mum raised the question about having antibiotics but was dismissed.
Next day
Mum, Donna, remained concerned by inflammation of the bite site. She was worried enough to contact her doctor’s surgery and request antibiotics, this request was refused by a doctor.
Since February this year
Esme, now 8, has had numerous problems resulting from this bite. She’s tested positive twice for the Lyme’s disease bacteria, Borrelia. According to the NICE guidelines for NHS staff the protocol is up to 2 courses of antibiotics each for 3 weeks. Esme has had 1 course but she’s been refused the 2nd - go figure?
Current main symptoms are swollen and painful joints, especially her knees, extreme fatigue and periods of dizziness. Along with a general ill feeling that makes it difficult for her to overcome at times.
The NHS are still investigating, slowly as we all know, each appointment with anyone is taking weeks/months to arrange meanwhile she has minimal on-going treatment. Recently she has had a rheumatologist assessment that is inconclusive and disagreements among the specialists what is cause and prognosis. From recovering from viral tiredness to serious chronic bone damage.
Sadly Esme has gone from a healthy and active bright sunflower of a child into a withdrawn and withering weed.
Esme tries her hardest to make each day a success but some days she is defeated more than others. She says no one believes her because no one is trying to cure her.
Esme’s symptoms include, severe joint pain, headaches, fatigue, dizziness. She is gradually becoming more disabled and as a result is missing out on substantial school time let alone her other activities, such as swimming and amateur dramatics. Donna is hoping that with some extra funding she can at least speed things up by enabling Esme to see a private Lyme’s specialist. Mum has purchased a special low bed because Esme can no longer climb into her raised bunk-style bed.
Please consider if you’d like to contribute to Esme having an improved quality of life now regardless of any long term outcome she will have.