Help elect a green MP for Wokingham!

by Rob White in Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

Help elect a green MP for Wokingham!
We did it
On 12th June 2024 we successfully raised £200 with 6 supporters in 14 days

To provide a Green Party candidate option for the electors of Wokingham

by Rob White in Reading, Berkshire, United Kingdom

The Green Party is a rising political force that is clear and precise in its intentions and ambitions. We aim to tackle the climate crisis head on, do all we can to improve the environment and ensure social justice for all. We believe in fairness in the provision of public services, conservation of everything around us and financially a chance for everyone to have a comfortable life.

We are the Party for the future and reach out to all generations. We do believe in progressing the political system by adopting Proportional Representation and lowering the voting age to 16.

We do not benefit from large donations and gifts but have to rely on the contributions from those who care. Therefore please donate what you can and help us put forward Merv Boniface on the ballot paper in the upcoming General Election, the Green Party MP candidate for Wokingham.

Thank you

The small print

Your donation will go to a local campaigning fund managed by Reading and Wokingham Green Party, not directly to the candidate. This is a general-purpose fund for election campaigning at all levels.

Donations over £500
If your donation is over £500 you need to be on the electoral register and we will need to know your name and address. Again, only for donations over £500 the donor name and donation amount is published by the Electoral Commission. Should you have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us as the project owner.

This page is promoted by Brent Smith on behalf of Reading and Wokingham Green Party both at 42 Albert Road, Reading, RG4 7PE.

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