Help business project in Africa

by Fatou S in United Kingdom

Help business project in Africa

Total raised £50

£40,000 target 15 days left
0% 2 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 26th September 2024 at 4:55pm

Hi, I am Fatou. I need your help to fund a business project I have in East Africa/Comoros. Aimed to help tourism and create jobs.

by Fatou S in United Kingdom

A project born from a promise I made to my  mum!

The Comoros is naturally a beautiful Archipelago of 3 Islands. With the most amazing and welcoming people. 

But completely neglected.  We have nothing to show but what used to be it's natural beauty. No jobs, Tourism inexistent, no energy, no access to clean water and nothing to show or attract tourists or investors.

And no help for entrepreneurs who wish to invest in the country.

My mum loved her home, so when I went to hospitality I said to her, one day, I will help Tourism and give people reason come to see our beautiful Islands.

My mum, may she R.I.H. has just passed and I thought, it is now or never.

So I started to look for a land to build this dream in honor of my mum.

So I am calling to human kindness, please help me raise enough money to make this business project come true, help tourism and create jobs.

Thank you so much for your help.

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