This is where the future is going! In April the govemernent are releasing more funds to landlords and letting agents to help build a greener United Kingdom
I want to get this up and running and into an office asap to help get ahead of the curve.
money will be spent on but not limited too;
A graphic designer for the logo I have in mind
A website techy to sort a landing page
Office supplies
general cost of starting up under a limited company
My mission is simple, get my renewable energy company live as quick as I can, my only issue is I don’t have to funding available at the moment.
I’ve helped fund a few crowdfunding projects on here before to do with start ups and medical aid but never asked on here.
Im trying better my life and get where I need to be, this is the route I need to be on.
Any donation as small or large as you can would be greatly appreciated.