Help a family fighting cancer

by Liane Bell in Aberdare, Wales, United Kingdom

Help a family fighting cancer

Total raised £0

£8,000 target 5 days left
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Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 11th February 2025 at 10:32pm

Following my partners cancer diagnosis in 2024 we are struggling financially to keep our home.

by Liane Bell in Aberdare, Wales, United Kingdom

Following my partners cancer diagnosis we have been struggling to keep our home. My partner and I both work hard but the sheer number of hospital appointments has severely impacted us financially. We cannot claim benefits as we are still working and currently face losing our family home. 

We are asking people to donate £1 each to support us with our cause. We know times are difficult which is why we are asking for such a small amount. We are hoping we can find enough people to donate a small amount to remove the stress of possibly losing our home on top of the stress a cancer diagnosis brings.

If we are lucky enough to raise what we need any additional funds will be donated to Prostate Cancer UK. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for your kindness and we hope you are well.

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