I have had a tough mental and physical disability in accepting myself with small breast . This has affected to confidence level, what I can wear , how my partner sees me and affected my identity as a whole . I stopped showing my body in any revealing clothes and not confident at-all to feel feminine enough.
I chose this path to finally be able to crowd fund to make a step toward my dream . I am financially a working class and can’t meet ends already but at the same time want my dream to become true . And I need your help 🙏
This surgery will change me into a more confident person , happy not depressed and confident in my skin . I want to love myself , which I have not done for a long while .
I need help from every beautiful soul who can feel my pain ❤️🙏
I don’t have much connections hence would plead. Everyone to please share my links to your friends who can be help . A big thank you in advance.