Hack the Pandemic is run by an amazing group of volunteers. They run out of Emersons Green Village Hall very close to Lyde Green. They are making thousand of PPE items to offer vital protection to our front-line workers across Bristol and Bath. They seek donations for materials and offer the PPE for free. For more info you can visit their website...and they want to do so much more!
As a local community charity, we want to do all that we can to support Hack the Pandemic. We wanted to ask the Lyde Green community to come together to help us make bulk-purchase donations of equipment and materials to help them to protect the front-line. They have to be able to continue production for all local GP practices, pharmacists, care workers, hospital staff, community volunteers, teachers we hope in the future, to name but a few. Anyone putting themselves at risk to help others. Please support this crowdfunder.
As soon as we have enough funds to put in orders, we will work with the Hack the Pandemic team to get equipment and materials ordered and out to the Village Hall. As a registered charity we can quickly turn your donations into the vital equipment and materials needed. They have tried and tested suppliers we will use.
Thank you for all your support, we promise to spend your donations wisely and keep you updated,
LGCA Team (Matt, Kelly, Laura, Bob and all the Trustees, Alice)