gr -test

gr -test


£10 target

2 supporters

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Started on 18th April 2020 Porthtowan, England, United Kingdom

Updates 4

Graeme.roy posted an update on 12th May 2020

The Big Shave

add a title

a description

Thank you

Graeme.roy posted an update on 12th May 2020

The Big Shave

Here is some text 

And a bit of a description

Thanks for your support 

Graeme.roy posted an update on 18th April 2020

This is a new update

This is my update title

Thank you for your support.

This is an update email and can include text and images

Thank you - please share my project


Graeme.roy posted an update on 18th April 2020

This is my update title

Thank you for your support.

This is an update email and can include text and images

Thank you - please share my project


abc defg hijk lmnop


12th May 2020

Posted a new update

12th May 2020 at 5:59pm

pledged £1

graeme.roy has also backed 18 other projects

12th May 2020

Posted a new update

18th April 2020

Posted a new update

18th April 2020 at 2:21pm

pledged £1

graeme.roy has also backed 18 other projects

18th April 2020

Posted a new update