Going blonde for Brothers in arms

by Brothers in arms in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Going blonde for Brothers in arms

Total raised £3,093

raised so far

+ est. £338.50 Gift Aid



We aim to raise enough funds to continue to keep our service free to all, and at the same time shine a spotlight on mental health issues

by Brothers in arms in Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

All money collected will go to funding our mental fitness coaching programme, at a cost of £5600 a month to keep it free for all our users

Brothers in arms are going Blonde!

This November, we are going for an alternative to the lip caterpillar..
we are asking as many guys as possible to go #blondeforbrothersinarms , symolising a light shined on mental health awareness.

On the first of November, 11 guys from our team are booked in to take the step to start us off, and hope to get as many people as possible involved. Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 45 in the UK. 76% Of all suicide is male. With lockdown restrictions on normal day to day life, and the uncertainty of the future ahead, mainting good mental health is more important than ever.

If you're able to join in, please do! Post your blonde pic with the hashtag #blondeforbrothersinarms. Anyone who doesnt want to go blonde, but would like to support the cause, and are in a position to do so, any donations are welcome here. All money will go directly towards continuing our free service, providing support through our NHS approved Brothers-Thrive app, with live mental fitness coaches on hand 8am-8pm Mon-Fri, which can be downloaded from our instagram bio, facebook page, or website www.brothersinarmsscotland.co.uk. We have found this service to be particularly effective during lockdown, where users can seek live immediate proffessional support from the comfort of home, and in total discretion. We also provide live support through our weekly peer support groups. Details of these can also be found on our social medias.

We look forward to seeing all the blonde support!


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