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To help people who are struggling with debt get debt free. We also do money coaching courses, our service is free and bespoke for everyone
by Oliver Hargreaves in Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
I've been working for cap as a centre manager for 4 years. I myself had a baby at 17 and fell into debt and knows how hard it can be. Cap money coaching saved me from being down a deep well of debt, and allowed me to take control of my finances and really helped me get a grip of my situation.
I want people to have extended family and support through us to help them have dignity in their finances again. To make people feel empowered, but also have an advocate to fight their corner.
Cap south Liverpool has seen 41 clients go debt free this year with 16 on the journey to debt freedom. We want people to have additional support networks so they can turn to someone in a crisis. We want to be able to give access to mental health support, food shopping and fuel to help people in the darkest of times. We aim to love, support and give dignity to people struggling with the effects of debt and poverty. We do money management courses, along side debt help provision to help those struggling with finances keep better accounting. The money will fund the good work we are doing. We do so much additional to help people, we find furniture, and try improve living conditions when possible, its all of the good will of people.
My experience is those things can crucially make the difference; having people help me with furniture, clothes for small children, and things like help repairing a car I needed to get to work. I use that memory to try bless others where we can, we managed to get someone a bike for work, and to get help with many other things like this, beds, furniture even free house repairs.
We have got a group who basically are a part of the blessings team, people who have offered their practical skills (builders and joiners) to people who have connections to get free furniture or electronics. It's amazing to be able to do so much more to bless and help people.
We help people often with 5 or more at risk factors and over 90% of our clients are people who have these at risk factors such as: mental health, a disability, a child who is disabled, single parent, recent bereavement, in or escaped domestic violence , history of abuse, loss of job, justice issues, no job, etc. We aim to walk those people out of debt and into finacial security again, empowering people to know how to deal with their finances after coming out of debt.