Hi my name is Dee and 3 years ago I rescued my beautiful boy Winston. When I first got him he didn’t trust anyone and was nervous all the time he would jump and hide when there was a loud bang. Have nightmares if anyone was shouting during the day. When he first came to me he just had surgery on his back leg as his ligaments was torn he suffers from arthritis in his leg due to this happening he was only 1 years old. Even tho all the bad things he saw and encountered in his first year of life Over the past 3years with lots of love and care he has turned into the most beautiful kind natured dog he now loves everyone he meets loves his cuddles and fusses. He loves playing with children or even just watching them play. But unfortunately a few days ago he was out playing with his friend and during that time he hurt his other leg. We went to see the vets today and confirmed my worst nightmare he has ruptured the ligaments in his good leg and is now in need of surgery. So this has brought me here today to ask you kind people for a little help. To help save my beautiful baby’s leg. He is unable to put any weight on his leg and now he cant enjoy the things he loves the most he can’t go for walks anymore. He will never be able to play with his best friend again because both back legs have now suffered the same thing so he will be unable to walk properly sadly it will be a long time before he can do anything again as there will be a long road ahead with his recovery. He desperately needs this surgery he is my world we have both grown together and he has also helped me through my tough times. I have never asked for help with anything in my life. But this is my boy and I have to raise £3500 just for the operation alone. It doesn’t matter how big or small your donation is anything will help to get my boy the treatment he desperately needs. So I am forever grateful to you all for your help even just by sharing this page you are helping me get one step closer to getting his surgery done. Thank you from myself and Winston.