New stretch target
This will pay for us to send out leaflets to promote our candidates.
We want to stand Green Party candidates in the General Election.
by Coventry Green Party in Coventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom
This will pay for us to send out leaflets to promote our candidates.
It’s official! General Election 4th July 2024!!
Now is the time to make Green voices heard! However, unlike the bigger parties, we don't have millionaire donors or vast sums of money from trade unions. So, in order for us to make those voices heard, we need to raise money through generous donations from ordinary people like you.
It costs £500 per candidate to stand in the General Election. And Coventry has three constituencies. Therefore, in order for us to give YOU the option to vote Green in whichever area of the city you live, we need to raise £1500 to get our candidates on the ballot paper
Simply getting our candidates on the ballot papers is the first step. We want to make sure that as many people as possible vote Green. So with that in mind the £1500 for the ballot people will provide a solid base. Yet we need to raise closer to double that.
Having the option to vote Green empowers people to have a genuine choice and makes sure people's votes are not taken for granted. A strong Green vote and presence sends a message to those in power to take sustainability seriously, and supports your local Green Campaigners to continue to make a difference on the Green Issues that are of the utmost importance to you!
If you have taken the time to read this, we thank you. But, we must also ask you to donate to our cause. Please donate whatever you can. Each donation brings us closer to the target we have set.
Take action today! For a fairer Greener Coventry, and Britain.
Promoted by Stephen Gray on behalf of Stephen Gray, Esther Reeves, and Anne Patterson (Green Party) all at 42 Holland Road, Coventry, CV6 1JA