Get the Green Party on Colchester, Harwich & North Essex ballot papers in 2024!
by Colchester Green Party in Colchester, Essex, United Kingdom
Over 7 million people in England and Wales were denied the chance to vote Green in 2019. We cannot let that happen again. Standing in every constituency could not be more important - please help ensure Colchester Greens can stand candidates in both their constituencies in 2024.
We need to raise £750 by the end of June to pay for Andrew and Sara's General Election deposits. If 25 people chip in £30, we're already there! Can you help?
Your donation not only gets a Green candidate for Parliament able to challenge the old parties. Standing General Election candidates also helps us generate Short Money – the financial assistance every opposition party receives to help fund parliamentary business. This is worth around £1 per vote to the Green Party – no matter which constituency that vote came from. Standing a Green Party candidate doesn't just demonstrate our growing strength; it's a strategic move that could fund our mission over the entire parliamentary term.
Finally, if Sara and Andrew retain their deposit, those funds come back and can be spent by the Green Party again, so we can keep building strength both locally and nationally!
Please can you help by chipping in £20, or whatever you can afford, to help get us over the line?
A huge thank you for all donations - however large or small!
P.S. Because we're a political party
We're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general Green Party funds.
Promoted by Promoted by Mark Goacher on behalf of Colchester Green Party, at 124 Morant Road, Colchester, Essex, CO12JD.