- Lisa Claire Morgan passed away suddenly on boxing day leaving myself an 7 children.
Lisa has suffered from mental illness for many years and last year tried to kill herself many times. Lucky I managed to save her on a good few acasions. Except this last time. As she said I have to be lucky all the time , she only has to be lucky once
She left mo will or any funds wotsoever for her funeral as we are both on disability benefits due to mental health issues.
When speaking to the undertaker about her wishes of which she wanted to be Buried he explained that she would have to be on a poorpers grave which consist of many people in one grave. This would be her worst nightmare. Or cremation of which this would be her second nightmare.
We would be so grateful for anything that could be done to bury her in a grave. I it was up to me it would be in a top of the range coffin and plot.but anything but a poorpers grave would service.
Thanks for your time and help if possible.