Fundraising for Forsbrook Primary School

by Claire Muzeza in Blythe Bridge, England, United Kingdom

Fundraising for Forsbrook Primary School

Total raised £500

raised so far



Raising funds for Forsbrook C of E Primary School whilst fundraising events have had to stop due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

by Claire Muzeza in Blythe Bridge, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Achieving the target with enable further support for our children's education.

These are unprecedented times and schools are not able to run fundraising events they had planned due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Forsbrook Primary School in Staffordshire had some amazing events planned during the Summer term. Something special had been planned but has had to be cancelled. Other fundraisers such as Sports Day, Discos etc have also been cancelled. These events bring in much needed cash for our children to receive a better education. I pledge this fundraising page to ask for a donation, however, small to help raise money to support our children with playground equipment, IT equipment, trip/residential subsidy, enrichment projects etc.

Teachers have thoroughly supported our children during these times and it would be great if they have all the equipment they need to carry on through the lockdown, not worrying if they have enough exercise books, stationary, iPads, reading books etc. Supporting teachers makes their jobs a little easier to give our children the best education.

Thank you teachers/teaching assistants/cleaners/dinner ladies/care takers/clerical/IT workers/voluntees, everyone involved in working within the school.

Thank you for any donations you can offer. It is very much appreciated at these uncertain times.

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