Funding patent for baby weaning product.

by Michael Gregersen in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

Funding patent for baby weaning product.

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I have invented a product that will help parents spend less time on their hands and knees picking food up off the floor.

by Michael Gregersen in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

I am a Danish Dad living in the UK with 2 kids. Anyone having had kids will know how much work it is and how each stage comes with it's own special challenges.

We found the weaning stage particularly hard. Both because neither of our kids were good sleepers and because the mess after each meal was unbelievable. It didn't what kind of bibs or floor mats we used, we were always on the floor on our knees picking up bits of broccoli, pasta, peas and so on.

So through a little trial and error I invented something to stop us having to crawl around in our sleep deprived daze. We trialled the invention with our second child and found it to be hugely beneficial. No more sore knees, back and no more time crawling around on the floor. 

We looked into having the product made for sale, but knowing it would be copied in China within hours of reaching the market, we knew we'd have to have a patent. The development costs themselves were off-putting and so the idea of getting the product out there was left for a few years.

I'm now at a point where I can't leave the thought of "what if" we made this thing. It's certain to take off and all that's standing in the way is finding finance to have it made and applying for a patent.

I have made contact to a company in Cheltenham called "Design 2 Market", they are keen to help develop the product, so what I need now is a group of kind hearted people to help me fund this thing.

I am not disadvantaged, from a particular ethnic background (Danish/Scandinavian), I haven't suffered abuse, I am just a guy with a great idea to help make life a little easier for parents with young children. Unfortunately that means there are almost no official grants available for me to apply to. Which is why I am trying Crowdfunder.

I hope you can see a reason to help me bring this idea to life - There would be no shortage of passion from my end to make it a success.


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Once the product is tested and manufactured, I would love to send you one of them to show you what you've helped create.

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