FreeTrade App

by Darren Smith in Manchester, England, United Kingdom

FreeTrade App

Total raised £1,186

raised so far



FreeTrade lets you connect with people online to trade your skills, services, goods and needs with them offline, all for free.

by Darren Smith in Manchester, England, United Kingdom

FreeTrade is a blockchain-based P2P app for all devices that will allow people to connect and trade with everyone in their local area.

How is it different from Ebay, Google, Checkatrade, Yelp & Gumtree?

For a start it's free, forever - no membership fees, no commissions, no middle men. Use the app to search and then message customers/producers directly. You arrange to do business privately as we always have. It's all in one place, with no one selling your data or charging you fat commissions.

If we are successful with this crowdfunder and project, it will continue to be free for all members for ever - future growing server costs will be met with direct sponsorship.

Some things you will be able to do with FreeTrade:

Find a job

Advertise your business

Sell your goods

Learn/Teach skills

Find & support local businesses/producers

Get funding

Look for partners/ collaborate

Organise events

These are just the beginning. We are building a platform that will allow the members to decide how they want to use it, and there will be no cost or charge to them, ever. 

FreeTrade will also make clear only legal trades will be allowed, and because it is blockchain-based no one will be able to evade law enforcement if they are using it for nefarious purposes. It will also include a rating/feedback system like Ebay and CheckaTrade. If you can't do it on the high street, you can't do it on FreeTrade.

We are hoping to raise £17,000 initially - £5000 to build the application (we have found and engaged a programmer already,) £2000 to build and host the website and infrastructure, and £10,000 for online and offline marketing - because it is a 'local' app, marketing will be focused in one city initially and therefore can be made extremely effective. If the app is successful and people respond, it will hopefully catch fire once established and working. 

We are right at the start of this journey - please help us create a way for people to continue working and trading through any crisis or event that comes along, make extra money from their hobbies and knowledge, leveraging the power of the network and the wisdom of (local) crowds, and combining it with ancient and tested methods of human interaction and exchange.

Thank you for reading, every donation helps.

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