Free Britain from Modern Slavery

by BigOak16 in Broadway, , United Kingdom

Free Britain from Modern Slavery

Total raised £0

£42,000 target 5 days left
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This project will only be funded if at least £42,000 is pledged by 13th February 2025 at 12:43pm

Please support the legal challenge to the BofE monetary unit and free Britain from its peonage in this Jubilee Year.

by BigOak16 in Broadway, , United Kingdom

Help expose the unlawful nature of the BofE monetary unit and free Britain from its peonage. Please support the legal challenge in this Jubilee Year.

The BofE fiat scrip is being loaned into existence by the bank which creates the malicious tort of peonage that contravenes the Royal Charter and the Human Rights Act 1998.

Using evidence from the book Jubilee by Thomas Naysburn, the legality of the monetary unit will be challenged in the High Court, with the Judicial system itself under scrutiny.

Your generous support can release Britain from the grip of modern slavery and a new age of gold will arrive on time’s winged chariot.

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