100% Forbidden
On International woman's day 8th March 2024 during the regular Palestine rally at 5pm by the cascades steps in Bristol's City Centre , the women in support of the action had 'scored' on the international Civil Liberties score card in the area of Right to Truth. This will be a Key to Much.
Most likely this score was actually attained by the men supporting the cause - as almost all of Palestine's affairs is male centric and the women just managed to "pinch" it on International women's day to register it as to their credit and sure enough it now had been recorded as attained from Bristol in civil Liberties for British citizens.
This actually is a breather for most and is by no way or stretch of imagination restricted to Bristol, but the identified place of origin and novelty value does belong here.
To celebrate such an immense achievement we would like to bring about Bristol's first Civil Liberties Art Gallery promoting exclusively Civil Liberties driven and generated art in the City.
If the project goes according to plan, Our New Gallery will open on 23 June, otherwise, if we are delayed we will set a new date for the end of summer for the opening ceremony.
We have artists cueing up, we have topics by the dozen, topics for talks, presentations, art classes, topics for discussion groups, publications and of course for inspiration for fresh pieces of Art led by all street artists, Palestine's liberation as well as Forbidden Art's Civil Liberties spin
You will be able to choose from the following rewards (see detail later) :
- tickets to the opening ceremony
- % off sale price off pictures
- free entry to our Forbidden Art - Civil Liberties art prize
- 20% picture frames for your own artwork by our selected framing partner
- free tickets to
- seminars
- presentations
- art workshops
- ticket for 10 coffees in our coffee shop
- ticket for 10 light meals in our cafe