This year has been so hard on the team, we are over full, and having to turn cats and kittens down on a daily bases. This breaks the team not knowing what will happen to these babies, but we are doing all we can but financially we are struggling, without funds we can not help as many as we would like.
We are one of the only rescues that will not home anything unless it has been neutered, this means we will not home any 8 week old kittens, they will say with us untill they are neutered, it does mean extra expenses for us, but we have peace of mind knowing they will be able to be cats and not used for breeding.
Two weeks ago we got a call about regarding a young tabby cat walking the streets for over over a week crying, we took the cat into care with us, where Dawn thought it was a male, Laura thought it was a female, we both jokingly said 'oh hermaphrodite ", after a fews days of settling in we agreed things did not look right down there. so we had them on a stray hold for 7 days, then booked for a spay at the vets.
The morning of the appointment we spoke to a vet nurse and asked what sex she told the cats was, she took one look and the look on her horrified face said it all, so she called in a vet, and he said its a female however her skin between the rectum and vagina had not formed correctly leaving a hole there, after drawing us a picture of the the female genitals, they said they would check once sedated.
Fast forward a couple hours the vet nurse called and said the cat had been castrated, and would talk to us when we went to collect.
This is where we was told he had testicles but a vargina, we asked why they didn't spay aswell, they said in 60 years of experience they had never had this, so poor Biddy is back in the week to be spayed this time, and hopfully repair the extra hole between their rectum and vagina.
We will keep you updated on Biddys journey.
Photo are added however a little grafic.