Football's Coming Home To Baldock Buffs Club

by Russell Barker in Baldock, England, United Kingdom

Football's Coming Home To Baldock Buffs Club

Total raised £1,230

raised so far



Having played football in this town for over 40 years and having lived here all my life, I want to give something back. "Russell Barker"

by Russell Barker in Baldock, England, United Kingdom

It’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming …


At the end of August 2019 The Buffs club in Baldock is reopening it’s doors, after too many years. The new and improved sports club will have a brand spanking new bar, a passionate team of staff, improved facilities and most of all the ideal location for us to come together and share our love of football once again.

Having played football in this town for over 40 years and having lived here all my life, I want to give something back. I’d love it if we could do this as a team.

With this in mind, I’m reaching out to the community of Baldock and the surrounding areas as we have a great opportunity to contribute towards a little bit of history so we can make this amazing new facility a little bit of our own.

I’m asking for just £5 per person to get us over the line. Your £5 will contribute to the finishing touches of what is going to be a superb new home for football we can be excited for again. The bar and club house is being completed as we speak. Your £5 will therefore significantly contribute towards everything around this, i.e good quality facilities, changing rooms, groundsmen work and a floodlight for training.

Whether you’ve played football for Baldock, been a lifelong supporter, been involved in other community projects, have children who are involved in football, are new to the town or just want one of the best drinking spots in Baldock back again, we have a great chance to make it happen!

We’re nearly over the line: we’re now looking for just a small contribution to put this new sports facility on the map and make Bakers Close Buffs Club the beating heart of Baldock town once again.

I’m very excited to be a part of this and would love people to feel the same. Please get in touch with any questions and I’m happy to help in any way I can.


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