Foodraiser Community Don Hernan - Chinchero Peru

by Anne Asbreuk - SpiritTours in Urubamba Province, Peru

Foodraiser Community Don Hernan - Chinchero Peru

Total raised £391

raised so far



Providing food for the families in the community of Don Hernan that are going hungry during the Covid-19 lockdown in Chinchero - Peru

by Anne Asbreuk - SpiritTours in Urubamba Province, Peru

During this Corona lockdown, many families of the community of Paqo Don Hernan in Chinchero in the Peruvian Andes are struggling to feed their families. 

Don Hernan has introduced so many Western travellers in to the profound Peruvian spiritual teachings, he has always been very generous in sharing his gifts and his loving community.  They need our support now in these trying times! 

Every donation will be greatly appreciated and will directly go to food for the families. Thank you so much! 


Crowdfunder is making it 100% free for community and charity crowdfunding projects during the coronavirus crisis. 

These are unprecedented times but together, we are stronger, and the response is coming from communities across the country.

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