Comprehensive Financial Education for Young People

by Sharan Kaur Varaitch in Warwickshire, United Kingdom

Comprehensive Financial Education for Young People

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A fintech platform to make comprehensive financial literacy accessible to all young people and teachers across the world!

by Sharan Kaur Varaitch in Warwickshire, United Kingdom

The Financial Education You Wished You Had In School

According to the Young Persons' Money Index, a whopping 75% of 15-18 year olds in the UK say that most of their financial knowledge comes from their parents. A further 8% get their insight from school.

Here’s the problem. 48% of adults lack basic financial literacy. And 88% of Brits don’t feel confident in their financial literacy. It’s the blind leading the blind.

There are huge short comings in school's curriculum, where financial literacy falls on the teacher to create but there are a number of reasons why there are high levels of inconsistencies from school to school or it's not delivered at all but mainly it is down to lack of curriculum time, absence of teacher training, it's a low priority, there are a lack of resources and there are perceptions of responsibility.

Over time generations are being left with a gap in their understanding of personal finance. 91% of Brits want greater financial education taught in schools.

So why isn't financial literacy taught in schools, well there are a number of reasons but mainly it is down to lack of curriculum time, absence of teacher training, it's a low priority, there are a lack of resources and there are perceptions of responsibility.

Low levels of financial literacy do not just leave people confused over what to do with their savings. They have a detrimental effect on the financial security of countless individuals. Uncertainty over budgeting can leave people at risk of going into debt or regularly struggling to make ends meet.

We're On a Mission.

We want to see comprehensive financial education delivered consistently in every educational institution across the world. Every child, adult, regardless of background or socio-economic status should have the right to learn about the most effective ways to manage money and make more of it. We know money isn't the be all and end all but it is for those struggling to make ends meet.

We want to see young people and teachers learning about interest rates, tax bands, how inflation works, investment strategies to make your money work harder, the process of owning a home and whats involved and much, much, more!

Our financial literacy programmes have a proven track record of impact and has been named as one of the most entrepreneurial and inspiring programmes teachers have ever encountered in their 25 years of teaching. 

Will you help us make a difference and change lives?

Financial Literacy Programme

We cover all financial related topics from KS2 up to University age. We also provide financial literacy support to vulnerable individuals such as NEET young people, modern slavery survivors, domestic abuse survivors and those recovering from homelessness.

Funds for the Educator Platform

While our financial literacy program is already accredited by the London Institute of Banking & Finance and Young Enterprise, we're seeking funding to build a robust and efficient learning management system (LMS). This LMS will house a comprehensive library of financial education lesson plans and resources for educators working with young people and vulnerable adults. The platform will also be directly accessible to young people, allowing them to engage with and learn about key financial concepts independently.

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