Fighting fund for East Staffordshire Greens Party

by Kelly Rickard in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

Fighting fund for East Staffordshire Greens Party
We did it
On 19th June 2024 we successfully raised £540 with 19 supporters in 56 days

Help to get Anna from East Staffordshire Green Party on the general election ballot paper.

by Kelly Rickard in Burton-on-Trent, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

Any extra money raised will go into fighting fund so that we can do more for our local community and national party

Would you like to be able to vote Green at the next General Election? Would you like every voter to be able to cross the Green Party box on their ballot paper? If yes, please help us to raise the money for Anna's deposit.

This general election takes place against a backdrop of Tory incompetence and Labour appeasement. Green voices are needed more than ever, in every constituency. 

To get an idea of the story we’re telling in this general election, check these out: 

BBC News - Greens to stand throughout England and Wales at next general election

Green party broadcast

People could be denied the opportunity of voting Green if we can't raise the deposit of £500. Over 7 million people in England and Wales were denied the chance to vote Green in 2019. Standing in every constituency could not be more important.

We need to raise £500 soon to pay for the general election deposit of our candidate. We have already raised some of this through our members donating to us from the email campaign so not too far to go. This is a way to make a positive change for your local and national party. Anything over £500 will go towards present and future Green Party campaigns.


We have our candidate Anna Williams Westwood ready to stand right across our area. 

Nominated MP candidate Anna Williams Westwood, is a rising local star of the East Staffordshire Green Party. From her ideas and activities and being an active member of the local party, Anna has been so committed getting a green party member on the ballot. Anna was part of the planning committee for our demonstration stall at Staffordshire Balloon Fiesta where Anna spent the day demonstrating on how to recycle paper into seed paper, giving rubbish a second life and talking to people about green issues. Anna has already shown her commitment to the local green party by already standing in the borough elections. With your help and support, we can get Anna onto the General Election ballot. Anna is also a successful sole business owner this means that Anna is contributing to the local economy, being incredibly organised, entrepreneurial and fiscally responsible. Anna also holds animal welfare close to her heart and volunteers with the British Hen Welfare trust helping to raise awareness of the factory farming industry. 

Follow Anna and our local party on Facebook

Our Candidate Anna Williams Westwood is ready to fight for a decent living wage, keeping the NHS, making it work for us and not for profit of privatisation that is destroying the original aim of the NHS. One of the major issues with the NHS is understaffing and this is such a serious issue to the health and safety of staff and patients. 

If we don’t raise our deposit, we risk losing that Green voice. That’s where you come in.  

Please help us by chipping in £20, or whatever you can afford, to help get us over the line. If you can't donate please share this as much as possible 

£25 - This is a real help towards standing a Green candidate

£50 - This pays 10% of a Green candidate's deposit

£75 - £75 is a major help towards a deposit

£100 - This pays 20% of our deposit - thank you!

£500 - Fund a whole deposit - massively helpful! Thank you so much.

Are you with us? Please donate what you can and you can also join our team from leafleting to door knocking to helping with phoning members.

Help to get a Green Party member on your East Staffordshire ballot paper. 

We are gearing up for an unprecedented challenge – contesting all 575 constituencies across England and Wales.

We need your help. The more Green councillors and MPs in your corner, the more we can do to improve public transport, walking and cycling, housing, community, NHS services and the very air you breathe. The Green Party keeps the environment front and centre because everything depends on a safe and healthy planet. If these issues matter to you, please donate. We need you.

We do politics in a different way to the main parties – working together to deliver the best for citizens is more important than squabbling over power.

Follow Anna and our local party on Facebook

Donate now, and let’s get it done.

You can help by: 

1. Adding your pounds and pence to this crowdfunder

2. Sharing your support with your friends and family an encouraging them to do the same

3. Building a Green Britain by voting for The Green Party on election day 

Standing General Election candidates helps us generate Short Money – the financial assistance every opposition party receives to help fund parliamentary business. This is worth around £1 per vote to the Green Party – no matter which constituency that vote came from. Standing a Green Party candidate doesn't just demonstrate our growing strength; it's a strategic move that could fund our mission over the entire parliamentary term. Your donation will not be wasted.

All donations go to your East Staffordshire Green Party general funds.  

P.S. Because we're a political party 

We're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500, and if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general Green Party funds. 

Promoted by Oliver Ragg on behalf of East Staffordshire Green Party, at 2A Blackthorn House, Birmingham, B3 1RL

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