Fighting against COVID-19 for Red Cross, Suceava

by Ramona Clim in Suceava, , Romania

Total raised £885

raised so far



All money raised will go to Red Cross Suceava for COVID-19 relief.

by Ramona Clim in Suceava, , Romania

The world we know it has changed drastically in the last few months as COVID-19 is taking its toll on the world, causing deaths, illnesses and economic despair. 

Romania is one of Europe's most underfunded and ailing healthcare systems.

Suceava county is home to about 750k inhabitants which is about 4% of Romania’s total population. At the same time, as of May the region accounts for 20% of total number of Covid-19 infections and 17% of total deaths. It all started with a  massive outbreak at the regional hospital. 

More than half of the country's infected doctors, nurses and other medical staff are also in Suceava. It is no surprise that Suceava was compared to Lombardy, the epicentre of the horrific COVID-19 outbreak in Italy.

We joined forces with Red Cross Suceava and local entrepreneur Stefan Mandachi to raise funds for The Red Cross and help in the fight against COVID 19 which left the region scared and helpless in the face of the cruel virus. This campaign aims to raise money for the purchase of a mobile intensive care therapy unit, lung ventilators and other vital equipment within the County’s main / only Regional Emergency Hospital and for other local hospitals across the county, necessary to fight against COVID-19.

Up to €50 000 of the raised funds might be matched by EBRD Community Initiative (subject to review), further multiplying the impact of this campaign. All funds will go to Red Cross Suceava in the fight against COVID-19 in Suceava region. 

Together we can stabilise the local hospital crisis and help Suceava region regain its kind, welcoming and healthy people!

For Donations in RON (TransferWise):

IBAN: RO78 INGB 0000 9999 0235 9226 


For Donations in EURO(TransferWise): 

IBAN: BE62 9670 7428 2461 


For Donations in GBP (TransferWise):

Account number: 24561528

Sort code: 23-14-70

Account holder : Ramona Clim

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