Ciao ???? Support Fazenda and pay it forward!❤️

by Fazenda Uk London in London, England, United Kingdom

Ciao ???? Support Fazenda and pay it forward!❤️

Total raised £5,026

raised so far



Help us continue with our project of friendship, best coffee and authentic Italian food. Pay it forward to Fazenda ❤️

by Fazenda Uk London in London, England, United Kingdom

We're still collecting donations

On the 30th June 2020 we'd raised £5,011 with 73 supporters in 56 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

Ciao everyone ❤️
we hope you’re all well and safe in this difficult time.
For the last ten years we’ve shared together at Fazenda some beautiful moments and we treasure all the incredible memories of friendship and human connection that we’ve made as our biggest achievement, while always trying our best to provide you an authentic Italian experience with our wood roasted coffee and family food.
Now we’re asking you to show your love and appreciation and Pay forward for your food, cakes and coffees so we can stay afloat and look at the future with more optimism. See you soon!!❤️
Ciao ????
Annarita & Antonio

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.


This project offered rewards

£10 or more

£10 Donation

Spare us a tenner to help a business you love get through whatever COVID-19 sends our way.

£25 or more

£25 FUTURE ...

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£50 or more

£50 FUTURE...

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£100 or more

£100 FUTURE....

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