I started this project because I felt useless, working from home but not actually contributing to the situation. I bought a 3D printer a few weeks ago to help with the Covid19 crisis and the lack of PPE. I have been making some Face Shields from home ever since, almost seven days a week. This gave me a small sense of purpose.
Some of the masks have been given to vulnerable family and friends, some to care workers, and others have even been used in hospitals where they even ended up being worn by Covid front line staff!
Each mask costs me around £1.50 to make, including the filaments for the headbands and chin bit, the see through visor, the adjustable elastic band, the sealed bag to protect them, and the alcohol to desinfect working surfaces.
I concentrated my efforts on printing the best possible face shield design I could come across. They take longer to make, but everyone has commented on how light and comfortable they are to wear during long shifts.
For cloth masks, I have also started 3D printing clips which fit at the back of the head and remove the pressure of elastic bands from the back of ears.
Mid-May 2020, staff from several local hospitals, including a Covid ward, are currently using the face shields I made, proving that there is still a shortage in professional supplies of PPE.
If you would like to help, by kindly contributing towards the material costs, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
PS: If you or someone you know is a key worker or vulnerable, please contact me for some masks.