Healthy Home Meals for a Healthier Tomorrow

by OLUWATUNMISE FALANA in Luton, United Kingdom

Healthy Home Meals for a Healthier Tomorrow

Total raised £10

£150,000 target 66 days left
0% 1 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 22nd April 2025 at 11:03pm

Introducing an groundbreaking app that empowers individuals to embrace healthier eating habits and take charge of their health journey.

by OLUWATUNMISE FALANA in Luton, United Kingdom

Hi, my name is Oluwatunmise, and I'm passionate about healthy living. I'm raising funds on GoFundMe to launch a groundbreaking app providing access to nutritious, home-cooked meals prepared with quality, non-carcinogenic, and microplastic-free materials. My vision is a world with fewer chronic illnesses, where everyone can easily make healthy food choices. This app will empower individuals to eat well, regardless of their busy schedules, using high-quality and safe ingredients.

Your support will fund app development, legal compliance, and marketing, bringing this vital resource to Europe, Africa, and Asia. Join me in building a healthier future – donate today!

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