Empowering families in severe poverty

by Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project in Brighton, England, United Kingdom

Empowering families in severe poverty
We did it
On 28th June 2024 we successfully raised £4,694 ( + est. £130.50 Gift Aid ) with 17 supporters in 0 days

Providing services to support disadvantaged and excluded families to become digitally and financially included.

by Brighton Unemployed Centre Families Project in Brighton, England, United Kingdom

 New stretch target

All money raised will go towards our free inclusion services for families


Run by a team of volunteers our community computer room offers free one to one support to people who are digitally excluded through being unable to access the internet, online support and communication. Often they have no wi-fi or computer access of their own and do not have the skills or confidence to fill in online forms or access the support and information they need.  By engaging with this service we can help them with other issues caused by absolute poverty and exclusion, which includes financial inclusion, benefits, grants and housing, food and fuel, schooling and children's services, practical help and social activities. These people can then go onto;  learning new skills, including IT and skills for work and accessing employment or fairer paid work, through help from our volunteers.

We need money to employ a part-time worker to support volunteers, volunteer expenses and computer room equipment, photocopying, printing and stationery for our service users.


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