New stretch target
Anything we raise beyond the campaign (and the deposit) will go towards future Green Party campaigns. Your help here will ensure we are prepared for contesting all the seats in Kirklees in the local elections in 2026.
Support us in creating an effective Green Party campaign in the General Election in the Colne Valley constituency
by Chas Ball in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Anything we raise beyond the campaign (and the deposit) will go towards future Green Party campaigns. Your help here will ensure we are prepared for contesting all the seats in Kirklees in the local elections in 2026.
Help fund Heather Peacock, the Green Party candidate for Colne Valley (which also includes the Holme Valley, Golcar and Lindley). With your support we can be a stronger voice. We aim to reach every household in the constituency and ensure everyone has a chance to vote Green.
By supporting this appeal your donation gets a Green candidate for Parliament able to challenge the old parties. By helping Heather Peacock to stand, your donation enables all the votes they receive to translate into government funding for the Green MPs elected elsewhere. In addition, if Heather Peacock retains the deposit, those funds come back and can be spent by the Green Party again, so we can keep building strength both locally and nationally.
Your contribution will fund a leaflet delivered to every home, our deposit (which we aim to retain) and our social media campaigning. If 30 people contribute £25 we can reach our target.
Heather's roots are in the Colne Valley - she has lived here all her life and raised a family here. She has worked for the NHS for many years and is training to be a Unite the Union rep at the Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.
Heather says: “I feel we need radical changes - to tackle polluted rivers and lakes, the cost of living crisis, the lack of funding for our council services, chaotic housing policies and spiralling student debt.
“I want our NHS to be great again. With years of inadequate planning and chronic under resourcing we now have 7.54 million people waiting for treatment. Staff morale is at an all-time low with band 2 staff now on 1p above the minimum wage. The best party for safeguarding the principles of the NHS is the Green Party. We will properly fund health and social care and invest in policies that help to ensure a healthier population.
“I want a better future for our children and grandchildren, with a fairer and greener country. I would be honoured to represent the amazing people of Colne Valley and would work tirelessly to bring about the changes we all need.”
Promoted on behalf of Heather Peacock by Peter Taylor, 18 Lane Head Lane, Kirkburton, Huddersfield HD8 0SQ