New stretch target
Any donations not spent in this campaign will be used to fund future Green Party election campaigns in Tonbridge and West Kent.
We need your help to get the first Green Party MP elected for Tonbridge and West Kent
by Peter Tudor Cooke in Tonbridge, Kent, United Kingdom
Any donations not spent in this campaign will be used to fund future Green Party election campaigns in Tonbridge and West Kent.
The 2024 General Election is on 4th July. We have a chance to elect Anna Cope
our first Green Party MP in Tonbridge Constituency, which includes West Kent.
Change is needed more than ever because our country and planet can’t wait another four years to get this chance again. The Green Party can be trusted to offer genuine change.
Anna has been a dedicated and hardworking councillor in Tonbridge and is standing in Tonbridge Constituency.
She lives in the place that she will represent rather than in London or Medway Towns.
She is free to put our community first because she does not have to vote as instructed unlike other parties.
We need hope in this new Tonbridge Constituency, a Fair and Green way to do politics placing people and the planet at the centre. More Green voices are vital for residents, national stability and the global environment. Your support can get us over that winning line!
Our year-round leaflets keep residents informed about what our councillors are doing in their area and what Green Party representatives stand for - and can do in our communities.
Unlike the other political parties, who receive large donations (and are probably expected to do something in return) we rely on subscription fees and a portion of councillor stipend to fund our activities. Other parties can afford TV or billboard advertising or pay for expensive data processing software to reach voters. We cannot - it is not a level political playing field!
All our activities rely on the amazing energy, passion and values of our local resident volunteers. We leaflet and door-knock all year round. But we lack vital money to compete with other parties and get our message heard.
We know times are hard. Please help us with whatever you can afford to make the change our country needs. Because whichever party makes up the majority in parliament, they will need Green MPs to hold them to account.
£500 will pay for Anna’s deposit to stand as our parliamentary Candidate
£300 will pay for 5000 leaflets
£100 will pay for a 1000 calling cards to potential voters
£20 will pay for 30 posters
Anna will fight to end:
We are ready for a General Election. We are ready for change. Will you help us to make that change happen with a donation?
P.S. Because we're a political party we're required to run electoral register checks from people making donations above £500. And if you donate over £1,500 during a year, we are required to let the Electoral Commission know, who will make this available on their website. All donations go to general campaigning funds.
Any donations not spent in this campaign will be used to fund future Tonbridge and Malling Green Party election campaigns and activities. By donating you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for or on behalf of any other person. All donations received are subject to the regulations of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.
Promoted by Mark Hood, 8 Northcote Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN91UD on behalf of Tonbridge and Malling Green Party.
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