My Egg-cellent Birthday Appeal!

by Hayley Clough in Krong Siem Reap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

My Egg-cellent Birthday Appeal!

Total raised £570

raised so far



Instead of buying me a birthday beer, buy some eggs for 2 food banks in Siem Reap, Cambodia, supporting families through the Covid-19 crisis

by Hayley Clough in Krong Siem Reap, Siem Reap, Cambodia

We're still collecting donations

On the 11th May 2020 we'd raised £540 with 38 supporters in 14 days. But as every pound matters, we're continuing to collect donations from supporters.

 New stretch target

More eggs!

It's my birthday and I'd love some eggs!

But the eggs aren't really for me - they will be bought and donated to 2 food banks in Siem Reap which are helping families in need get through the Covid-19 crisis. I know that times are tight and uncertain for everyone right now, but a little goes a long way here in Cambodia and at 10p or 10 cents per egg (let's pretend that's an equal conversion for this purpose), you could pledge as much or as little as you choose and it will all be converted to something very practical that is so very greatly appreciated. Sure, I could just do a fundraiser, but I thought it would be fun to actually show you what even a small donation can buy...

Eggs are a great source of protein for many families, and adding eggs to the food supplies these outreach projects are supplying is extremely beneficial for nutrition.

So, please, for my birthday, can I have some eggs?  Pledge however many eggs you like, and let's see how many eggs we can get to help me celebrate my 35 laps of the sun.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

More about both food banks:

Right now ABCs and Rice is giving out food parcels to 80+ families per week in surrounding villages of Siem Reap, to help them get though the Covid crisis. These children would normally have their meals provided for free in school, and the families most in need are able to access a food bank also organised by the school.  However, while the schools are closed the children are unable to receive any of this, and it is critical that ways are found to continue to provide adequate nutrition during this time, for the families with whom this small NGO school has built up trusting relationships for over 10 years.  Find out more here:

Genevieve's Fair Trade Village are supporting the families of artisans with disabilities who usually sell their products in their retail shop. The shop has had to close and so these artisans, many of whom support large families, are left with no income. Relying on funding from donations, GFTV has organised monthly food drops of packs of essentials delivered to these families in the villages around Siem Reap. Eggs are a staple in these packs. It is important that the funding and resources reach as far as possible, in order that the families will be supported continuously until the crisis abates.  Find out more here: 

For whatever you can give, we thank you!

(Crowdfunder are currently offering fee-free hosting for projects raising funds to support things impacted by the Covid crisis, so 100% of your donation will go to where it's needed)

We ask project owners to honour their rewards wherever possible but please note that all pledges are donations and there is no guarantee that you will receive any rewards from the project owner. Please see Crowdfunder's Terms of Use for more information regarding rewards for pledges.

Or enter custom amount


This project offered rewards

£1 or more

10 Eggs

Just £1 will buy 10 eggs!

£5 or more

50 Eggs

For £5 you can pledge 50 eggs!

£10 or more

100 Eggs

A tenner will buy 100 eggs!

£25 or more

250 Eggs

You've definitely always wanted to buy 250 eggs in one go!

Show your support

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