Help the Eastgate survive, thrive, and prepare for its 20th birthday in 2024.
Donate to this charity
Total raised so far £27,380
+ est. £6753.75
0HANDS UP for the Eastgate Theatre!
If you love seeing performances, enjoy taking part, and value this vibrant venue, please contribute to the Eastgate’s special fund-raising appeal to ensure that the theatre is in great shape to celebrate its twentieth anniversary in April 2024.
Your money will help the theatre recruit an additional member of staff, train and support the Eastgate’s large group of volunteers, strengthen the performance programme, and increase the range of creative classes open to anyone who wants to learn, feel good, and have fun.
We’re aiming for a total of £80,000
by 31st March 2024, so please donate here at our Crowdfunder or at the Box Office with card, cash or cheque (plus Gift Aid if you’re eligible).
Any of the Eastgate’s board of directors or theatre staff will be happy to talk with you about the theatre’s plans, and to discuss the best ways of helping this much-loved venue to survive, thrive and keep the arts alive.
Thank you