Print the New Testament for the Dũya people

by Wycliffe Bible Translators in United Kingdom

We did it
On 21st September 2024 we successfully raised £29,930 ( + est. £3560.50 Gift Aid ) with 305 supporters in 42 days

£6 could put a life-transforming Dũya New Testament into the hands of a person in the Dũya community for the very first time.

Project by Wycliffe Bible Translators

Will you help to raise £30,000 to print and distribute the Dũya New Testament – transforming lives through Scripture?

Imagine not being able to read even a single verse of the Bible because you couldn’t understand what it says. Imagine not even having John 3:16, let alone the stories of Jesus or Paul’s letters. How would you know how much God loved you? How would you grow as a Christian?

1 in 5 people today still don’t have the Bible in their language. But for just £6 you can put a New Testament into someone’s hands – in their language – for the very first time.

Who is this helping?

The gospel was first brought to the Dũya people in Northern Nigeria over one hundred years ago and today, there are 79 churches. But they still don’t have the Bible in their language.

With our help, local Christians have spent the last 16 years translating the New Testament for their people. But they face one more challenge. They need the funds to print this precious book.

Our goal

With your help, together we can raise the £30,000 needed to print and distribute 5,000 New Testaments for the Dũya people.

Every £6 you give to this Crowdfunder will put a New Testament into someone’s hands – in their language – for the very first time.

Why your support matters

Having the New Testament in the language they understand best will see Christians deepen their faith, churches grow in number and maturity, and give those who don’t yet know Jesus the chance to hear him speak their language. 

Your gift really could change lives.

Imagine the impact that 5,000 New Testaments could have in the hands of 5,000 people and their families. Imagine the lives that could change. Imagine the impact on the Dũya community for generations to come.

Will you help make history?

This is a historic moment for the Dũya people – will you join us by giving whatever you can today?

📖 £6 could put a Dũya New Testament into the hands of someone for the first time.

📖 £30 could put a Dũya New Testament into the hands of five people for the first time.

📖 £300 could provide the whole congregation of a Dũya church with the New Testament in their own language for the first time.

Thank you!

In the event that we exceed our target for this appeal, your gift will go to where most needed.

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