Drum enclosure for Hopestream Worship Live Events

by Hopestream Worship in Street, England, United Kingdom

Drum enclosure for Hopestream Worship Live Events

Total raised £165

£1,000 target 65 days left
16% 4 supporters
Keep what you raise – this project will receive all pledges made by 21st April 2025 at 5:41pm

We all love a great drum beat! But we also want to hear the rest of Hopestream Worship at their live events! We need a drum screen!

by Hopestream Worship in Street, England, United Kingdom

Hopestream Worship put their passion for Jesus into their full immersive worship music, to encourage others to look to Jesus, especially in the tough times.

At our live events, we share songs and testimonies to glorify God and encourage the church.

As worship musicians, being sensitive and appropriate for the venue and host is so important.  We need a drum enclosure for Josh (the drummer) so that the volume of his awesome drum playing can be controlled and appreciated.

We are so grateful for any support you can offer to this project.

Thank you!! 

from Sue, Polly, Ben, Joel L-C, Josh, Joel and Owen.

Hopestream Worship

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