Drainage project for Sanron Animal Rescue Farm

by collecting donations to give her the best send off in Ilminster, Somerset, United Kingdom

Drainage project for Sanron Animal Rescue Farm
Not quite
Unfortunately this project was not successful.

At Sanron, we take on and look after farm animals in need of help and support or just looking for a new home to outlive their retirement.. I

by collecting donations to give her the best send off in Ilminster, Somerset, United Kingdom

When I first met Aaron and Sandra, I was immediately inspired by their passion and dedication. Their vision to rescue animals that would otherwise be left behind and to support children facing disabilities is nothing short of remarkable. They are truly driven to make a difference where it’s needed most.

Sanron Animal Rescue Farm has been a dream of theirs for years, and with unwavering determination, they secured a beautiful field in the South Somerset countryside to bring that dream to life. Their commitment is beyond extraordinary – they traded the comforts of a warm, cozy home to live in an old caravan on the field, without water, electricity, or the everyday conveniences most of us take for granted. Their sacrifice shows the depth of their love for this cause.

I couldn’t help but get involved and offer my support in any way I could. I created a business plan to help put their vision on paper – a vision that will not only provide a safe haven for animals but also create a space where children can visit, learn, and thrive. Beyond the rescue efforts, Sandra and Aaron dream of offering jam-making classes, selling fresh eggs from rescued hens, and even hosting unique overnight stays where guests can experience the soothing sounds of farm life.

But before these wonderful plans can unfold, we need your help with a crucial project: installing drainage on the field. The farm sits on a slope, and without proper drainage, water from the field above runs down uncontrollably, threatening the land and the animals’ safety. The plan is to dig drainage pipes and create a series of small ponds to manage the water flow and ensure a safe drinking area for the animals.

To make this dream a reality, we are aiming to raise £15,000. Every contribution, no matter how small, will bring us one step closer to transforming this field into a sanctuary for animals and a joyful, healing space for children.

With your support, we can help Aaron and Sandra continue their incredible work, changing lives – both human and animal – for the better. Together, we can turn this dream into a reality.

Thank you for your generosity and belief in this cause!


This project offers rewards in return for your donation. Please select a reward below.

£20 or more

£20 Donation - Reward

With each £20 donation, you will be offered a free visit to the park including a tour and a detailed updated on the work and the animals. For larger donations we can offer a longer stay, including BBQ and even an over night stay in the park listening to the animals noises during the night.

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